Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Darkness: What you missed

So you just finished the demo of The Darkness II. Pretty cool, right? But did you play the 2007 original? Do you know who you're playing as, or why you're eviscerating everyone around you with inky black tentacles? Do you know why it's such a surprise that The Darkness II is looking promising, or the pedigree it has to live up to? No? Maybe? Either way, GameZone is here to help.

What was The Darkness?

The Darkness
The Darkness was a first-person shooter for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, based on the Top Cow comic series of the same name. Although the comic property surely brought in an audience of fans, many were simply following developer Starbreeze Studios. The Darkness was their next game after The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, quite possibly the greatest game ever based on a licensed property. That was a tough act to follow, and The Darkness didn't quite pull it off—but there were enough cool ideas in the game to make it worthwhile.

What was the game like?

The Darkness was not the best first-person shooter. In fact, the game was a total failure when it came to basic shooter mechanics. Aiming with the thumbstick was unnecessarily difficult, and the endless cascade of options to fine tune the controls seemed more lazy than helpful. Starbreeze also created an innovative physics/animation system for aiming around corners, but it often led to cheap deaths while your arms got tangled on the nearest obstructions.
None of that mattered, though, because you had giant killer tentacles to work with. The only thing standing between you and non-stop car-tossing, tentacle-whipping, black-hole-tossing madness was the Darkness's only weakness: light. Light sources were often a bigger obstacle than the enemies, so you spent a lot of time shooting out lights and skulking around in the dark.
The Darkness
When you weren't killing people, you'd explore via the New York City subway system. Much like the prisoners in Escape from Butcher Bay, the denizens of the subway offered up several sidequests. One particularly memorable one had you jumping out onto the subway tracks picking up change for an old lady.
The moment-to-moment gameplay wasn't the biggest highlight, but Starbreeze made up for it with the storytelling.

What's the story? SPOILERS AHEAD...

You are Jackie Estacado, a pasty-white, black metal-looking dude who spends his days working for the mob, and his nights with his girlfriend Jenny. This goes sour when the don of the mob tries to kill him on his 21st birthday. Instead of dying, the Darkness awakens within Jackie. Imagine the devil on your shoulder combined with super powers and deadly tentacles, and it's no surprise that the Darkness leads Jackie on a quest for revenge.
But first, birthday cake! In one of the more poignant scenes in the game, Jackie comes home to see Jenny. They cuddle up on the couch together, but Jackie has killing to do, and it's left up to the player when he'll make his exit. In a game brimming with dark, brutal violence, Jenny is an incredibly sweet vacation. It's clear why Jackie is with her. On top of that, the real film To Kill a Mockingbird plays on the TV throughout the entire scene, and it never stops. You can actually opt to watch the entire movie if you're feeling ambitious.
Darkness Jenny To kill a mockingbird
From there, the revenge plot continues. The don takes Jackie's attitude personally, so this only enrages him to counterattack. He kidnaps Jenny and takes her to the orphanage where both Jackie and Jenny grew up. Poetry in motion, the scene unfolds as the Darkness restrains Jackie, forcing him to watch his only love's execution. “She was a burden, this is freedom,” the Darkness whispers to him. But Jackie has other plans, and with nothing left to lose, he puts a bullet down his throat.
Darkness Jenny execution
Jackie wakes up in the Otherworld, the hellish home of the Darkness. There, he fights his way through a zombified version of World War I, eventually meeting his great-great grandfather, Anthony Estacado. He explains that the Darkness has been passed through the family, and that Jackie must face the Darkness in the underworld to defeat it.
To cut to the chase, though, let's just say Jackie's efforts don't quite pan out. Rather than defeating the Darkness, he allows it to become closer than ever, emerging back in the real world with more power, but an even deeper connection to the monster inside of him.
This added power (and a conveniently-timed solar eclipse), allows Jackie to make an assault on the don's mansion and finally get his revenge. A super-powered bloodbath ensues, and with the don dead, the Darkness consumes Jackie while he has a vision of Jenny one last time.

Where does The Darkness II pick up?

Two years later, apparently. Not only is Jackie still alive, but he has repressed the Darkness and taken the mob throne as the new don. Still haunted by visions of Jenny, he'll have to keep it together as a man named Victor Valente tries to steal the Darkness from him.
Darkness II

Is The Darkness II going to be good?

We won't be able to tell you for sure until our review, but the demo for the game is extremely promising. The combat seems to be the star of the show, with refined controls that allow the player to easily fight with two tentacles and two guns simultaneously.
Darkness II combat
It's also worth noting that The Darkness II isn't a Starbreeze game (they're busy working on Syndicate), instead, this sequel was made by Digital Extremes, whose previous game was Dark Sector. They're not the most promising source, to be frank, but the proof is in the pudding, and the demo shows a ton of potential.
It can go either way, really. The combat is undoubtedly better, but the story seems like it may lack the heart and soul of the original game. At the very least, don't go in expecting to cuddle up with a girlfriend and some public domain television.

Aliens: Colonial Marines multiplayer component a 'big deal' for Gearbox

These days, it's almost equally important to have a robust multiplayer component, as it is to have an in-depth singleplayer mode.  In some cases, it's more important.  And for anyone who has played Borderlands, you'll know it's important to Gearbox as well.
Aliens: Colonial Marines is no different.  In an interview with Sony, Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford revealed that the multiplayer for Aliens: Colonial Marines is "getting a huge amount of attention."
"Multiplayer is a big deal for us," he said. "It’s getting a huge amount of attention."
Pitchford didn't exactly say what type of multiplayer components we'd see from Aliens, although we already know it features dynamic drop in/out multiplayer.  Hopefully we will soon though, as Pitchford announced they  hope to get some people outside the studio to preview the multiplayer game "very soon".

Mahjong Solitaire - How to Play?

Mahjong Solitaire combines different aspects together to deliver a game whose idea is to choose and remove matching chips from a board. As a player, you have to keep in mind that the chips are neither visible nor selectable and if you happen to select the wrong combination, you can be stranded. It is an exciting and challenging game and while this is the case, it is important to have an idea of how to play.

  • Start by selecting an appropriate Mahjong Solitaire layout. There are different types of layouts and ideally, some are harder than others. For new players, search for layouts that have small chips in the lower and upper corners.
  • There are instances when chips are wholly exposed and while this is the case, they cannot be selected. Therefore, make sure that you learn what can and cannot be selected. These are divided into different categories and by learning more about each and what it can deliver, you increase the chance of getting the most out of the game.
  • Always take time to weigh options though you receive multiple options. In this manner, you ensure that the chip selected in an ideal choice and this increases the ease of proceeding with the game. Taller ships should always be given priority and what is more, it is advisable to clear the lower tier ones than opting for the last one in a pile.
  • Work by reducing the stacks this aids in making the game much easier.
  • Rather than rushing, it is advisable to take your time however, keep in mind that there is a limit for each layout. In all instances, this is designed to give the player the chance to complete before the counter for bonus reaches zero. Every move should be made to count and as a beginner, you should not be worried about maximizing the score but rather becoming a better player. Once you achieve this end, it will become easy to compete with other players
By following these rules when playing Mahjong Solitaire, it becomes easier for the player to enjoy some of the benefits offered by the game. Some of these include the ability to improve the memory, excitement and the thrill. There are numerous online casinos that offer players the opportunity to enjoy this and while this is the case, it is advisable to tread carefully and weigh options in order to settle with the best. The more a player practices, the higher the chances of perfecting the art of gaming.
Mahjong Solitaire is ideal for people from different age groups and it is one of the best ways for keeping the brain sharp. By playing Mahjong Solitaire you can become a better thinker and planner.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Get Fun Games for Your Kids

Kids need to be kept entertained and well distracted at all times. One way through which this is accomplished is by selecting fun games for them. Thanks to the availability of online games, it has become increasingly easy to find a variety of options to choose from. These have the ability of improving the mental and physical skills. More importantly, a large number of these come with great educational benefits. There are several benefits associated with these and some of these include the following.

• Improves the Thinking Process
In order to complete any of these games successfully, one has to think carefully and this is why they are considered an ideal choice for developing the thinking process. As kids play, they learn the art of developing a train of thought and sticking with it till they get a solution.

• Self Control
Because kids have to stop and think about the next line of action, this ensures that they develop self control. They learn how to think critically and carefully about every turn and this also increases attention span. It is also an ideal way of focusing attention since one has to react in accordance to the move made by the opponent.

• Social Skills
A large number of the fun games available also teach kids about the importance of developing social skills and this further increases the appeal associated with the same. While these are fun, it is ideal to note that there are rules that need to be followed as well and this teaches kids how to follow guidelines and makes them better people.

Wide Array of Games
By large, the variety of possible games available in this category is what increases the appeal associated with this. When searching for these, it is important to note that they are classed in accordance to what they have to offer and this makes it easy to select one that suits you. There are some top rates, popular, newest and random categories. Each category has its own selection of games and as a player or individual selecting some for your kids, always ensure that you end up with appropriate choices.

You can also choose between top action and top fighting games according to your preference. These are distinctively divided and this makes it easy for players to settle with those that offer the most benefits. Additionally, these are ranked in accordance to stars and this makes it easy for players to choose some of the popular fun games.