Saturday, February 4, 2012

Aliens: Colonial Marines multiplayer component a 'big deal' for Gearbox

These days, it's almost equally important to have a robust multiplayer component, as it is to have an in-depth singleplayer mode.  In some cases, it's more important.  And for anyone who has played Borderlands, you'll know it's important to Gearbox as well.
Aliens: Colonial Marines is no different.  In an interview with Sony, Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford revealed that the multiplayer for Aliens: Colonial Marines is "getting a huge amount of attention."
"Multiplayer is a big deal for us," he said. "It’s getting a huge amount of attention."

Pitchford didn't exactly say what type of multiplayer components we'd see from Aliens, although we already know it features dynamic drop in/out multiplayer.  Hopefully we will soon though, as Pitchford announced they  hope to get some people outside the studio to preview the multiplayer game "very soon".


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